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**Due to the inclement weather our Hamden, New Haven and Branford branches will open at 12 PM on 2/6/2025. SCSU Will not open due to a campus closure*** Access your accounts 24/7 with online and mobile banking.

Local Trunk or Treat Events

Looking for family-friendly Halloween fun this October? You’re in for a treat! Here are three fantastic trunk or treat events happening near you. Grab your costumes, and get ready for a spooktacular time.

Dixwell Community Management Team and Women of the Village Community Food Pantry Trunk or Treat

October 28th
Winchester Works/Winchester Office
110/116 Munson Street, New Haven

New Haven Fire vs New Haven Police Flag Football Trunk or Treat

October 28th
Wilbur Cross High School
81 Mitchell Dr. New Haven

Trunk or Treat at SCSU

October 31st
5:30-7:30 pm
114 Farnham Ave, New Haven