Routing Number: 211177133

Rates & Fees

We will be closed on Monday, January 20 in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Access your accounts 24/7 with online and mobile banking.

Consumer Loans

Personal LoansTermsAPR*
Personal (Unsecured)Up to 60 MonthsAs low as 8.24%**
Unsecured Home ImprovementUp to 84 MonthsAs low as 8.99%**
Share Secured (Regular Shares)Up to 60 Months4.50%
Certificate SecuredUp to 60 MonthsCD Rate + 2.00%
Credit CardsAPR**
Visa® Platinum Credit Card10.50% - 16.50%^^
Visa® Platinum Share Secured Credit Card10.50% - 16.50%^^
Visa® Platinum Rewards Credit Card13.50% -19.50%^^
Auto LoansTermsAPR*
New Car (Model Years 2025 & less than 5000 miles)Up to 84 MonthsAs low as 5.25% for 48 months^
Used Car (Model Years 2024 to 2020)Up to 72 MonthsAs low as 5.50% for 48 months^
Used Car (Model Years 2019 to 2017)Up to 48 MonthsAs low as 6.75% for 36 months^
Used Car (Model 2016 to 2015)Up to 36 MonthsAs low as 7.50% for 36 months^
New MotorcycleUp to 60 MonthsAs low as 7.25% for 48 months^
Used MotorcycleUp to 60 MonthsAs low as 8.00% for 48 months^
*APR = Annual Percentage Rate. ^ Rates are subject to change without notice. Rates based on terms and credit worthiness. “As Low as” reflects shortest term and A+ credit. ** Personal Loan Rates based on terms and credit worthiness. Other terms and rates available. ^^Rates and terms may vary and are subject to change without notice. As of 11/08/24 credit card rates are effective on all purchases, balance transfers, and cash advances. Payments do not include taxes and insurance. 0.00% Introductory APR for a period of 12 billing cycles on balance transfers from non-CrossPoint FCU Credit Cards. After that, your APR will be based on card program and creditworthiness. This APR will vary with the market based on the Prime Rate. A Balance Transfer Fee of $25 or 3.00%, whichever is greater, will be applied to each balance transfer. Credit approval depends on credit worthiness and subject to other underwriting qualifications.

Home Loans

Loan TypePayment Example Per $1,000 FinancedMin LoanTermsAPR*
Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC)$5.95$25,000300 MonthsIntro Rate 6.50%^
Secondary Residence and Investment Property (HELOC)$7.73$25,000180 MonthsAs low as 8.50%^^
Home Equity (Fixed Rate, 80% LTV Financing) $18.03$25,0005 YearsAs low as 6.24%^^^
Home Equity (Fixed Rate, 80% LTV Financing) $9.90$25,00010 YearsAs low as 6.615%^^^
Home Equity (Fixed Rate, 80% LTV Financing) $7.28$25,00015 YearsAs low as 6.685%^^^
*APR = Annual Percentage Rate. Rates are subject to change without notice.
^The Home Equity Line of Credit loan promotion can be terminated at any time. The Introductory rate is fixed for one year after the origination date. Once the fixed rate promotional period ends, the Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is variable based on an index and margin. The Index is the highest United States Prime rate as published by The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) on the last business day before the start of each month’s billing cycle. As of 12/20/2024, the Prime Rate was 7.50%. The margin and the introductory rate are based on credit. Lowest possible margin is WSJ Prime minus 0.50%. Once promotional rate ends, the APR cannot fall below the minimum of 3.25% nor exceed a maximum of 18.00%. Proof of homeowners insurance required. CT owner-occupied properties only. Minimum Line is $25,000. Maximum Line is $750,000. Minimum credit advances that you can make is $300. The Credit Union will lend up to 80% cumulative loan-to-value. All loans are subject to credit and underwriting guidelines and membership eligibility. Refinancing existing CrossPoint FCU home equities not eligible. Third Party fees may need to be reimbursed if the loan is closed within the first 24 months of the origination date.

^^ The APR is a variable rate based on the Wall Street Journal™ Prime Rate. The lowest possible margin is prime plus .75%. As of 12/20/2024, the Prime Rate was 7.50% for an effective APR of 8.25%. The APR will never go below 3.25% APR and the maximum is 18.00%. The maximum combined (existing mortgage loan balances plus Home Equity Credit Line limit) loan-to-value ratio (LTV) is 70% of market value. Minimum line of credit amount is $25,000. Maximum line of credit is $750,000. Minimum credit advance is $300. No application fee, no closing costs, no annual fee, however, third party fees may need to be reimbursed if the loan is closed within the first 24 months. CT properties only. Programs, rates, terms, and conditions are subject to change and may be withdrawn without notice. Other terms and conditions may apply.

^^^ No application fee. No annual fees. Closing costs will be charged if loan is paid and closed before two years. Available on primary member residences, secondary residences, and investment property (single-family, condos or townhouses). Some restrictions may apply. $250 Appraisal Fee will be charged for over 80% financing. Available on primary member residences, secondary residences, and investment property (single-family, condos or townhouses). Some restrictions may apply.

Savings & Share Accounts

AccountBalance RequirementsDividend RateAPY*
Regular Share$50.05%0.05%
Special Share$50.05%0.05%
Holiday Club$50.05%0.05%
Vacation Club$50.05%0.05%
Money Market Share $1,000 or Higher0.05%0.05%
High Yield Money Market$0–$2,499
$100,000 or Higher
Ask Us About Our Specials!Ask Us About Our Specials! Ask Us About Our Specials!Ask Us About Our Specials!
IRA$5/$100 to earn APY*0.05%0.05%
HSA†Balance under $2,500
Balance over $5,000
Regular Checking $20 to open0.00%0.00%
Student Checking $20 to open0.00%0.00%
Flaggship Plus Checking0.05%**0.05%**
Flaggship Plus 50 Checking0.05%**0.05%**
*APY stands for Annual Percentage Yield, and assumes both principal and earned
dividends remain deposited for one year. These rates are Prospective Rates subject to change at the discretion of the Board of Directors at their monthly meeting.

†Split Rate: The balance within each Split Rate tier earns the interest as the rate applicable to that Split Rate tier.

**These accounts are no longer available to open.

Share Certificates

AccountBalance RequirementsDividend RateAPY*
3 Months$1,0000.40%0.40%
6 Months$1,0000.60%0.60%
Special 7 Months*$1,0003.84%3.90%
12 Months$1,0001.00%1.00%
Special 13 Months*$10003.46%3.50%
18 Months$1,0001.10%1.10%
24 Months$1,0001.19%1.20%
30 Months$1,0001.29%1.30%
Special 33 Months*$10002.43%2.45%
36 Months$1,0001.34%1.35%
48 Months$1,0001.59%1.60%
60 Months$1,0001.74%1.75%
Jumbo CD$50,000Div is 110% of regular rate, min 5bp max 25bp added. Increased rate does not apply to CD Specials.
We will impose a penalty if you withdraw any of the principal before the maturity date. The penalties imposed are set forth on your Terms and Disclosures Booklet. Certificate or Renewal Notice. APY assumes all interest remains in deposit for the full term.
*Jumbo rate increase does not apply to 7-month, 13-month and 33-month CD specials.

Service Charge/Fee Schedule

Insufficient / Uncollected Funds$30
Check Photocopies$1
Stop Payment Order$25
Checking Account Balancing / Research Entry$30
Additional Research Per Hour$20
Courtesy Pay Fee (per item)$34
**Flaggship Plus 50 Checking Fee (monthly)$4
**Flaggship Plus Checking (monthly)$6
ATM Fee (per trans in excess of account type)$1
Redeposited Items$15
Re-Issue of ATM/Debit Card (lost card)$7
Rush Order ATM/Debit Card$32
Inactive Home Banking (no log-in for 90 days) (monthly)$3
Bill Payment Monthly (reg share draft ckg for bal <$500)$6
Non-CPFCU ATM Fee (excl Sum/Co-op)$1
Closed Account Fee$5
Dormant Account Maintenance/Quarter$5
Official CU/Teller check (3rd party payees)$3
Official CU/Teller check stop payment$30
Returned Mail/Change of address$5
Statement of Record Copy/Photocopy of CU Check$5
H.S.A. fee (waived under various circumstance)(monthly)$5
Overdraft Transfer (per item)$5
Mortgage loan subordination$150
IRA Account closing$30
Personal appearance Fee for legal matters$175
Real Estate Loan application fee$395
Lien/Warrant/Sheriff Fee$50
Wire Transfer - Incoming$10
Wire Transfer - Outgoing$30
**These accounts are no longer available to open.

If you live, work, worship, or learn anywhere in New Haven County, we welcome you to call us or click here with questions on any CrossPoint home equity loan or line of credit, mortgage, personal loan, Visa credit card, used car loan, or new car loan program.  CrossPoint Federal Credit Union is proud to serve New Haven, Waterbury, Wallingford, Meriden, Ansonia, Beacon Falls, Bethany, Branford, Cheshire, Derby, East Haven, Guilford, Hamden, Madison, Middlebury, Milford, Naugatuck, North Branford, North Haven, Northford, Orange, Oxford, Prospect, Seymour, Southbury, West Haven, Wolcott, Woodbridge.

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